Schizopora radula (Pers.: Fr.)

Hallenb. 1983
Mycotaxon 18(2): 308.

Select illustration:

[image] [image] [image] Shown sections


= Poria radula Pers. 1799, Obs. mycol 2: 14.


Resupinate, irpicoid to poroid, beige coloured with a slightly orange touch, margin lighter, basal subiculum without pores up to ca. 100 ╡m thick, 1-4 pores per mm, pores grow positively geotropic, pores walls up to ca. 100 ╡m thick and up to ca. 2 mm high.


4-5.5 x 3-4 ╡m, ellipsoid, with one droplet each, smooth, inamyloid, thin-walled.
13-18 x 3.5-5 ╡m, young clavate, mature cylindric to suburniform, with one basal clamp each.
Four, up to 3 ╡m long.
Capitate cystidia in the hymenium and capitate hyphal endings in the subiculum. The capitate end is thin-walled and up to 7 ╡m in diameter. Very often there are capitate hyphal endings in the margins of the pores.
All primary septa with one basal clamp each.
Hyphal system pseudodimitic. Skelettoid hyphae 3.5-4.5 ╡m in diameter, walls up to 1.5 ╡m thick. Generative hyphae 2-4 ╡m in diameter, walls up to 1 ╡m thick. Hyphae of the subiculum loosely running, in the pores walls hyphae densely running.
The hyphal endings of the pores walls are mostly capitate and are densely incrusted with small crystals.

Habitate and substrate:

Mainly on deciduous wood: Quercus, Sorbus, Eucalyptus, Populus.


Specimens from all continents, including Australia and New Zealand (Cunningham 1965) , point to a cosmopolitical distribution, like in Sch. paradoxa.


Sch. radula is separated clearly from the similar species Sch. paradoxa by compability tests by Hallenberg (1983) . Characters of distinction are the colour of the fruit body, spore size and morphology as well as the morphology of the hyphal endings in the pores walls:
			    Sch. paradoxa	 Sch.radula

Colour of basidiocarp	    white-yellowish      beige with an orange touch

Spores			    5.5-6.5 x 5-4.5 ╡m	 4-5.5 x 3-4 ╡m

Hyphae of the pores walls   obtus		 capitate

Sch. flavipora, which is distributed in warmer areas, has in the contrary to Sch. radula bigger pores and their basidiocarps are lighter coloured.


Herbarium specimens:

Norway, Rondane near Ropeid, on a Quercus branch, leg. N. Hallenberg, 03.08.1984, NH 8386, Herbarium GB.
Denmark, Jütland , Mols Bjerge, Langemose, on a Sorbus branch, leg. N. Hallenberg, 31.08.1987, NH 10414, Herbarium GB.
France, Roussillion , Vernet, on a branch, leg. N. Hallenberg, NH 10209, Herbarium GB.
Spain, Canary Islands , Teneriffa, Anaga, along the street Las Mercedes-Bailadero, on deciduous wood, leg. N. Hallenberg, 10.03.1989, NH 11017, Herbarium GB.
Spain, Canary Islands , Teneriffa, Aqua, south of Los Silos, on deciduous wood, leg. N. Hallenberg, 14.03.1989, NH 11106, Herbarium GB.
Spain, Canary Islands , Teneriffa, Aqua, along the street Las Mercedes-Bailadero, on a Eucalyptus branch, leg. N. Hallenberg, 06.03.1989, NH 10930, Herbarium GB.
Turkey, NE-Anatolia , Trabzon, Sumela monastery, 1000-1400 m alt., on a Picea stump, leg. N. Hallenberg, 02-12.10.1989, NH 11332, Herbarium GB.
Canada, British Columbia , Vancouver Island, Lake Cowichan provincial Forest, on a trunk of Pseudotsuga menziesii, leg. B. & J. Eriksson, 12.09.1967, Eriksson 7983, Herbarium GB.
Canada, British Columbia , Vancouver Island, Lake Cowichan provicial Forest, on a Alnus rubra trunk, leg. B. & J. Eriksson, 16.09.1967, Eriksson 1177, Herbarium GB.
USA, South Carolina , Creekside Park, Mount Pleasant, on Populus sp., leg. E. Sundström, 03.09.1971, Eriksson 10031, Herbarium GB.
Argentina, Missiones , Iguazú waterfalls, on a little branch, leg. M. Raijchenberg, 01.03.1982, M-3478, Herbarium O.
Taiwan, Taichung , Da-Ken, Kwan-Yin Mountain Area, Buddah-shrine, ca. 500 m alt., leg. E. & G. Langer, 15.06.1990, FO 41552, Herbarium F. Oberwinkler.

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Dr. Ewald Langer - 21. Dec. 1995